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About Honeymoons in Paradise - 5 Star VacationsHoneymoons in Paradise is a member of:
Why choose us as your travel agent? We are fully aware that you have many competitive choices from which to choose and understand that it is difficult to find an agency you can trust. However, before you make your final choice, consider the added value we can offer you. Our very high volume of bookings with only top resorts and airlines guarantee you the best rates with no hassles. Our extensive travel experience and our first-hand knowledge and educational background of the destinations we offer guarantee you the highest quality and topmost service you fully deserve. We know it is difficult and confusing to choose a destination from beautiful pictures and printed brochures. We share your feelings in sensing that some of these picture-perfect vacation packages may be misleading. We know that it is frustrating time consuming to obtain the best package rates given the overwhelming wealth of information on the Internet. But consider this. We are truly the exception. We have the experience and knowledge that will ensure that you receive the best value for your dollars. We have "been there" and we have "done that" for our customers. Give us the opportunity to help you find the very best resort and destination vacation package. One that best meets your needs! We are here to serve you! CUSTOMER SERVICE IS OUR # 1 PRIORITY Honeymoons in Paradise, San Diego, California CST 2098318-40 Tel 760-432-6045 Toll Free 877-642-2638 Information presented on this web site is subject to change without notice and is not guaranteed to be free from errors |